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By February 1, 2018Staff

#BeAmazingToday is our theme this year at Harbor/Brenn Insurance Agencies. And we are excited to share it with all of you.

But what does it mean? Where did it come from? And really, shouldn’t an insurance agencies theme be something about growing or sales? (Oh….don’t you worry, we have goals too!)

To give you a better idea of why we chose #BeAmazingToday I went around the office and got others perspectives;

Being friendly and giving our clients the best customer service possible! Your tone of voice when you answer a call speaks volumes – Janet Hartson

Try to leave anyone you make contact with a little happier than they were before contact was made. Try to put some sunshine in everyone’s day – Dorlene Gray

Going above and beyond my clients expectations – Amy Eichler

It’s like starting each day with a reset button where you challenge yourself to make a difference – something you really can do with insurance.  Whether it’s answering someone’s question – checking out their rates and coverage – taking care of an accident that happened – untangle a billing problem – the possibilities are limitless as to how we help people EVERY SINGLE DAY. The attitude we bring to the transaction can often times help make it better and sometimes even make it “amazing”. So that’s what I strive for – being prepared to hit my “reset” button with each encounter during the day to see how I can raise the bar and make it “amazing” – Jenny Brower

Doing your best for the customer.  I may not always know the answer to their questions but I will do the research and get back with them on it – Chris LuHellier

Doing something out of the ordinary that prompts someone to talk or write about it. – Debi Murray

Today, it was driving in a snow storm to see a client to review their policy when I could have easily re-scheduled for tomorrow – Lee Holbrook

Be better – work smarter – with a smile… – Bill Himmelspach

#BeAmazingToday brings a smile to my face so it all starts with a smile.  Then….it makes me feel as if I want to help people with whatever they need….work or not work  (make sure people are taken care of and needs are met kind of thing).  Then… makes me feel as if once I’ve done the best I can for myself and for those around me, it’s time to let it all go…enjoy life and family and friends around me and to do it all over again the next day! – Karin Corcoran

My perspective (Robyn Rakoniewski), Why not?  I enjoy bringing joy to others.  So while I do my best to make someone else’s day amazing in whatever way seems necessary, it also makes me feel amazing as well.

We are an insurance agency, we work very hard to make sure our customers are covered properly and sufficiently. And we do a good job at it. But that is not all we are.

We are mothers, daughters, sisters, brothers, fathers, parents, wives, husbands, volunteers, foodie’s, fitness wannabe’s, readers, outdoors people, committee members, pet people (lots of pets, 23 between us all), vegans; the list could go on and on. The long and short of it……we are community members. We are invested in this community – personally, professionally and fiscally.  And we will #BeAmazingToday and everyday.

What will you do to #BeAmazingToday?

Now about those goals……..